Are you finally tired of feeling or experiencing one or more of these?

Battling addiction

Stuck in the past

Not making the money you want

Lack of self-worth or not feeling worthy of love & success

Lack of purpose & direction

Lack of fulfillment

Fear of failure

Constantly seeking outside validation

Don’t feel like you can be your authentic self

Sexless and passionless relationship

Physically out of shape

Not reaching your full potential

It's all there, and yours for the taking.




Spiritual Alignment

Passion Filled Relationship

Mental & Emotional Fortitude

Living the life of your dreams




Spiritual Alignment

Passion Filled Relationship

Mental & Emotional Fortitude

Living the life of your dreams


About Adam

For nearly a decade, Adam has been on a transformational journey and has experienced radical transformation in every aspect of his life. He has experienced the highs of highs and the lows of lows.

Adam was married for 17 years and went through a very painful and heartbreaking divorce. Through that painful experience, he went on to experience love, passion, and intimacy and forge an unbreakable bond with his 4 sons.

For most of his life, he had an unhealthy relationship with food, peaking at 350 pounds. Adam completely transformed his physical appearance, losing over 125 pounds and is now preparing to compete in a men’s physique contest.

For years, he ran and owned a very large and successful INC 5000 wealth management firm and ended up losing his investment firm. He went from making millions of dollars, losing it all, and having to completely start over.

The pain of losing his company and his identity was so great that he nearly took his own life.

Adam knows addiction and used food, substances, and unhealthy behaviors to manage and regulate his emotions.

His personal failures and triumphs give him a unique ability to relate to yours. He has walked the path of transformation and is committed to helping men find freedom and the life they truly desire. Adam is living proof that no matter where you are, how old you are, or what’s happened in the past, you can have it all.

Listen to the Burn Up Podcast

I’m not here to sugarcoat anything—I’m a single father who survived divorce, extreme heartache, limiting beliefs, and the collapse of my successful company. I’ve battled my weight, peaking at nearly 350 pounds, and faced such darkness that I nearly ended my own life.

But today, I’m a transformed man with purpose. This podcast is your wake-up call. Join me to get inspired and hear tales from warriors who’ve faced their fears and failures and overcame the impossible. If I can do it, you can do it. Freedom is in the fire. Welcome - to the Burn Up Podcast!

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